
The world is better with turtles. Change does not have to be big to be impactful. Be a part of the change. 

Sea turtles play a vital role in maintain health of the world's ocean and vital ecosystems thar are part of our everyday life. Without sea turtles, we would see a drastic decline in all of the species whose survival depends on healthy seagrass beds and coral reefs. 

As part of our mission for the brand and the company, we want to contribute in a way that protects and promotes the lives of sea turtles. Every purchase of OTG product, is a step towards change. We are donating 10% of each sale to Sea Turtle Conservancy. 

About Sea Turtle Conservancy: 

About Organizational Background: 

The Sea Turtle Conservancy is the oldest and most accomplished sea turtle organization in the world! STC is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization based in Gainesville, Florida. STC was founded in 1959 by Mr. Joshua B. Powers in response to renowned ecologist Dr. Archie Carr’s award-winning book, The Windward Road, which first alerted the world to the plight of sea turtles. Dr. Carr served as Scientific Director of STC from 1959 until his death in 1987. Since our founding, STC’s research and conservation initiatives have been instrumental in saving the Caribbean green turtle from immediate extinction, as well as raising awareness and protection for sea turtles across the globe with over 60 years of experience in national and international sea turtle conservation, research and educational endeavors. The organization began its work in Costa Rica, but has expanded its research and conservation efforts throughout Central America and the Wider Caribbean.

About Dr. Archie Carr:

The history of the Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) is forever intertwined with the life and accomplishments of Dr. Archie Carr. He was truly a remarkable man — an exquisite writer, an inspiring teacher and a naturalist the likes of which may never be seen again. Dr. Carr was the founding scientific director of STC, a role he filled until his death in 1987. Through his research, teaching and writing, Dr. Carr is responsible for accumulating and distributing much of what is known about the biology and life cycle of sea turtles. He is credited by many for bringing the first international attention to the plight of marine turtles. The brief biography presented below was written shortly after Dr. Carr’s death by STC Board member Dr. David Ehrenfeld. It was first published in the August 1987 issue of Conservation Biology, the Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.